April 2021 Meeting Shorts

Kerri McGarrigle, Chairman of Newark Business Club, opened April’s meeting and gave her final welcome as Chair.

This month’s sponsor

Collab sponsored this month’s meeting and Steff Wright took to the stage to share the latest trends and challenges in business.

The current top three challenges are climate change, mental health and wellbeing and digitization.

Climate change is the biggest one and businesses will need to look at addressing their CO2 footprint and how they can reduce it. Gusto Homes is aiming to be net zero carbon by 2025.

Steff has challenged Newark Business Club members to commit to a net zero carbon target and lead the way for other firms around the country. Steff asked the members to share their net zero carbon targets within their business (not holding anyone to it) and the majority also targeted 2025.

Gusto Homes has given their construction staff £500 each to put back into local community projects of their choice. This has been great in helping people engage with their community.

Collab was born out of the change in working last year during the first lockdown. The Collab Virtual World was built for businesses all around the world for various events and companies. Rooms can be designed for specific events or brands to suit any requirement including a virtual high street.

For more information or help with any of these challenges please contact Steff or one of his team.

Introducing the new Chair

After the first networking session, Kerri revealed that the new incoming Chairman is none other than Kevin Guthrie of Guthrie Therapy.

Our thanks goes to Kerri who has done a terrific job leading Newark Business Club over the past 3 years and especially during the past 12 months as we navigated the world of online networking.

Malcolm Ellison & James Fountain are also stepping down in their roles as Treasurer & Chairman of the Action Group respectively. Thank you both for your commitment to the club over such a long period.

Malcolm is handing over the abacus to former Chair, Michelle Allen from Access Accounts.

Michael Hardy is taking over the reins from James on the Action Group and his experience with businesses including the retail sector will be of great benefit to us.

Guest Speaker

Penny Taylor & Tom Marsden from Lincoln College took to the stage to share the exciting plans in place for the town and Lincoln College.

The International Air & Space Training Institute (IASTI) formed a major part of Newark’s successful Towns Fund bid and the plans are already underway to enrol students in September 21 to the interim facilities at Newark College for budding pilots, engineers and ground staff.

This forms part of the national strategy for the education and training of the people as the next generation of aviation professionals. Further investment in expanding the college is complete with the construction college on Magnus Street ready for the new cohort in September.

Newark Towns Fund

Matt Lamb from NSDC ran us through the Newark Towns Fund plan and the exciting projects that will be undertaken such as the Newark construction college, the YMCA Activity Village and the development of 32 Stodman Street (Former M&S building).

As we move onto the next stage of “Opening Up”, there are restart grants available to support businesses which you can find details of here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-restrictions-support-grants-lrsg-and-additional-restrictions-grant-arg-guidance-for-local-authorities

MP update

Robert Jenrick MP gave a briefing and took questions from the members


Kerri closed the meeting and bid her final farewell as Chair. We wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you back at future meetings.

The next meeting takes places on Friday 7th May, the first of our new Chairman, Kevin Guthrie.