Chairman, Kevin Guthrie, welcomed attendees to the June meeting. If a copywriter wishes to get involved with writing up the meeting notes and raising their profile, please contact Kevin.
Laura Mulley took to the stage from Harlaxton Estates. The business was founded in 2003 by Steve Hampson, his father Dennis and a friend David Balfe. Steve is still very much involved with day to day running of the business.
There are 5 sites in and around Newark including the office and business park in Long Bennington, where Laura is based.
Since the easing of Covid, Harlaxton are starting to see more of a return to the office as people are getting sick of the same 4 walls.
Hot-desking as well as meeting rooms are available from as short of an hour to give flexible working, meeting or training spaces.
Leases start from just 3 months with no legal fees to make it really easy and simple to get on board and also move as your business changes.
Rates are all inclusive and simple and for more information you can take a look at their brochure here
Sharron Marriott from Iliffe Media joined Kevin on stage to discuss The Newark Business Awards.
The awards ceremony this year is taking place on 24th September at Newark Showground. They are expecting around 400 guests on the night starting at 630pm with a champagne reception going into a 3 course dinner followed by the awards ceremony and finished off with a disco for people to let their hair down.
Nominations are closing on 25th June and you can enter at then the full entries must be in by Friday 2nd July. You can nominate any business for up to 3 of the 11 categories.
Best Independent Retailer
Best Social Enterprise
Best Start-Up
Business Innovation
Small Business of the Year
Large Business of the Year
Businessperson of the Year
Customer Care
Employer of the Year
Employee of the Year
Team of the Year
The benefits to entering the business awards are vast including giving you some great exposure and boost your business and team moral.
People sometimes struggle with their belief and confidence which can hold them back. With the support from Newark Business Club, Iliffe Media are holding webinars about belief and mindset change on Wednesday 9th at 6pm.
The second webinar is all about how the awards are judged and how you should prepare and present yourself to best showcase your entry. Details of both webinars can be found on the Newark Business Club Facebook group.
There are still sponsorship opportunities available for Newark Business Awards and for more details you can contact Sharron on
Last month, two names were drawn from the virtual hat and were given the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business to the room. David Purveur from Natural Express and Dudley Giles from Battlefields by Bike both gave excellent presentations to share what they do.
Les Jones, Nikki Burley & James Fountain all joined Kevin on stage to discuss their experience of Newark Business Awards.
Les Jones, in 2019, won Small Business of the year and Business Person of the year.
Nikki Burley of Emmaus Trust won Team of the year last year.
James Fountain of Bazzoo won Enterprise of the year many moons ago.
Kevin asked each a series of questions to understand why they entered and what they got out of the awards.
Entering Newark Business Awards is often not only to achieve external recognition but also internal recognition and celebrate the success of your team and to boost moral. By entering you may want to demonstrate that you have a serious business that might be taken for granted by your customers.
All three agreed that the process isn’t as difficult as you may think and encouraged people to go for it. The webinars that are being put on will be invaluable in order to get inside the head of the judges.
No one is more passionate about your business than you and once you start the application process you will find that it really flows.
By entering the awards, all of the panel felt like they gained great exposure, that their business was different from the competition and helped demonstrate credibility with customers, new and existing.
Michael Hardy addressed the meeting as Chairman of the Action Group explaining how they are here to make business easier in Newark focussing on rail, planning, roads and business. With the changes to the rail system it is important to make sure Newark isn’t detrimentally affected but the changes. A new project that they have taken on board is a Net Zero Carbon Project as mentioned by Steff Wright a couple of months ago. This is to challenge Newark businesses to. The Action Group is looking for members to support in Planning or Roads. The next meeting Is 28th June at 6pm and contact Michael for more details
Rachel Wilson from Children’s Bereavement Centre and Daniel Otton from Newark Round Table took to the stage to announce that there are spaces for the upcoming Charity Rounders Tournament. If you fancy rolling back the years and entering a team for Sunday 18th July please contact
Kevin signed off the meeting and announced that next month’s meeting with again be on Collab on 2nd July, however we are working on a social event but further details will be sent in due course. If you wish to sponsor the July meeting, please contact