Establishing a long-term vision for the town and a broad consensus to deliver it.

The Action Group

The Action Group meet online on the last Monday of every month at 6pm

One of the unique features of our club is its Action Group which campaigns for a better business environment. Our mission statement is to Create a landscape that encourages Business growth and Investment in the Newark region through focusing on key areas such as Road, Rail, Planning and the environmental Impact Making Business Easier in Newark

Since its formation the Action Group has taken a lead and successfully lobbied with partners and stakeholders for:

  • Service and timetable improvements for Newark on the East Coast rail lines
  • Pressed for faster rollout of superfast broadband for businesses in rural areas
  • Improvements to services on the Castle Line between Nottingham, Newark & Lincoln
  • Improved Town Centre Management
  • Established Railfair on-line petition which successfully achieved additional investment in the castle rail line
  • Free Christmas Parking for shoppers
  • Funding from the Portas fund to help revitalise the high street
  • Improvements to market place and its attractiveness
  • Research into the options for establishing a BID (Business Improvement District)
  • A modest Asda and adjacent bus station
  • Dualling of the A46 and improved traffic flow to and through the town
  • A higher business profile and attractiveness of Newark to businesses considering relocation

For more information please contact the chairman Michael Hardy on 07770 346 384

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